
A scenario is the container for implementing a custom task that shall be solved by tfaip. The scenario glues together all components that must and can be implemented, see Figure 1.

Scenario Overview

Figure 1: Scenario Overview

The ScenarioBase (green) creates the Model (blue) and Data (purple). Training (red), Load And Validate (LAV, orange), and Prediction (yellow) access the scenario but are also instantiated by the ScenarioBase to allow to implement custom overrides.

Scenario Directory

Each scenario should be set up in a directory that comprises the following files: * which defines the basic scenario information * which defines the model (neural net) * which defines the input data pipeline of the model * which defines the graph(s) of the model * (optional but recommended) which stores the parameters of data, model, and the scenario. (Note, the data params, if implemented should always be implemented in a different file than data itself else there will occurr warnings in the data pipeline).

If tfaip was set up by cloning the repository, the scenario class should be located at tfaip/scenario/XXX/ where XXX is the scenario name, e.g. atr. If installed via pypi (i.e., pip install tfaip), an arbitrary directory can be used for the location of a scenario.

Implementing a Scenario

To implement a ScenarioBase, first setup a directory and the files. In (or implement MyScenarioParams:

class MyScenarioParams(ScenarioBaseParams[MyDataParams, MyModelParams]):

The MyDataParams and MyModelParams implement DataBaseParams and ModelBaseParams to define the parameters for the data and the model.

Next, implement the actual scenario:

class MyScenario(ScenarioBase[MyScenarioParams, MyTrainerPipelineParams]):

The MyTrainerPipelineParams define how the input data source for training and extend either TrainerPipelineParamsBase or TrainerPipelineParams. The derived ListFileScenario already implements the TrainerPipelineParams by assuming a list file as input (see here).


The Scenario defines several Generics that are used for instantiation of the actual classes of TModel, TData, TScenarioParams, and the TTrainerPipelineParams. The ListFileScenario replaces TTrainerPipelineParams by ListFileTrainerPipelineParams.

Additional Modules

In the following, additional methods/functionality of a scenario that can optionally be implemented is listed.


Quite often, defining metrics is difficult in pure Tensorflow-Operations while it is trivial using python and numpy. Furthermore, some metrics should also first be computed after [post-processing]( For this purpose, tfaip offers the Evaluator which is similar to a keras.Metric however with the advantage that anything can be computed with most flexibility. An Evaluator can optionally be parametrized by EvaluatorParams.

Similar to a keras.Metric the Evaluator requires to overwrite two functions, namely update_state and result. update_state receives a post-processed (un-batched) Sample and should update an internal state. Finally, result shall yield a dictionary of the metrics.

The Evaluator follows the context-design of Python: A metric is __enter__-ed before the validation, and __exit__-ed after receiving the result. Use this mechanism to clear the internal state.

The Evaluator is attached to a Scenario using the evaluator_cls-method.


The full tutorial provides an example:

class MNISTEvaluator(Evaluator):
    def __init__(self, params):
        super(MNISTEvaluator, self).__init__(params)
        self.true_count = 0
        self.total_count = 0

    def __enter__(self):
        self.true_count = 0
        self.total_count = 0

    def update_state(self, sample: Sample):
        self.total_count += 1
        self.true_count += np.sum(sample.targets['gt'] == sample.outputs['class'])

    def result(self) -> Dict[str, AnyNumpy]:
        return {'eval_acc': self.true_count / self.total_count}

Add this in the Scenario:

def evaluator_cls(cls):
    return MNISTEvaluator


During training, the computed metrics by result will be written to the Tensorboard. This also allows computing custom data (e.g., images or PR-curves) within the Evaluator. The model defines how to write arbitrary data to the Tensorboard.


The ListFileScenario is an abstract ScenarioBase that already provides some additional functionality if using list files as the input source. A list file is a simple text file where each line is the path to a sample, e.g. an image:


The following shows how to extend a ListFileScenario: Assume the new scenario has the model Model and corresponding params ModelParams, Data and corresponding DataParams, and works with list files. The new scenario, here called Scenario requires to set up its params the corresponding implementation. Note, that both classes are empty since in most cases no extra functionality is required.

class ScenarioParams(ScenarioBaseParams[DataParams, ModelParams]):

class Scenario(ListFileScenario(ScenarioParams)):